Game of Thorns: Revelations From The 2016 Campaign

Historian Doug Wead brings his insider research on what really happened in the 2016 race between Hillary and Trump to a new book on the campaign. We catch up with Wead for some of the surprising revelations...


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Dick Cheney Surfaces: Claims Interfering In Elections "An Act Of War"

Former Vice-President Dick Cheney told an audience yesterday that he was certain that Russia interfered in our election and that such interference in other people's elections is an "act of war." Is that also true when we do it?


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Escalation Everywhere: Will Trump's Foreign Policy Succeed?

There is not a single crisis or potential crisis across the globe where the Trump foreign policy team has not escalated toward military conflict. Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, and more. Will this massive escalation bring victory? Or yet more perpetual war until bankruptcy?


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Free Market Healthcare? Favorite Country? Ron Paul Answers Viewer Questions

We are back with another edition of "Ask Ron Paul." Ron answers your toughest questions!


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Myth-Busters: Please Jean-Claude...Break Up The U.S.!

EU President Jean-Claude Juncker issued a threat to President Trump. He said he would push for Ohio and Texas to split from the rest of America if Trump didn't change his tune and become more supportive of the EU. Libertarians have two words for Junker: "Yes, please!" Ron Paul talks the decentralization of power versus globalist tyranny on today's Myth-Busters!


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