Restoring the Repentant

In this sermon Pastor Anderson goes over what the bible teaches about forgiveness. There is two types of extremes that are not okay in a bible believing Church. The first is an attitude is that we should just forgive and let sin abound all throughout the church and not judge. The problem with this is it shows that sin is not that big of a deal but the bible tells us that we need to not fellowship with Christians who are a fornicators, or covetous, or an idolators, or a railers, or a drunkards, or an extortioners. Now this doesn't mean these people are not saved it just means they need to be discipline by being told to repent of these sin or get throw out of the church so that way they know what they have done is wrong. The other extreme though is churches that will not forgive even though the person has already repented. As Christians we need to be forgiving and loving to others when they repent, forgive and forget.


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