Secrets (Volume 238)

Texe Marrs examines things the controlled media coverup: (1) New scientific research shows a bright light goes off when a woman’s egg and a man’s sperm unite; (2) How can you know if you are saved?; (3) Ken Starr, the prosecutor in the Bill Clinton impeachment proceeding, is fired as President of Baylor University. His crime: covering up the rape of co-eds by football players; (4) Paul Ryan, Republican House Speaker, proves to be a political con-man and a jerk! He is pro-illegal immigration, pro-ObamaCare, and pro-Free Trade. He’s a disaster for America; (5) Medical research shows that high cholesterol does not lead to fatal heart attacks; (6) Mistakes by doctors are #1 cause of death in hospitals; (7) Hillary Clinton and her gal-pal Huma Abedin walk side-by-side in Gay Pride Parade. The two live together and are “partners;” (8) Billy Graham endorsed Hillary for President; said that her husband, Bill, would make a great evangelist; (9) Abortions, transgenders in bathrooms, and open borders are Hillary’s pledge to voters; (10) Federal judges in all-out attack on Bible teachers; (11) Supreme Court okays favored treatment for black students at universities.


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