The Wicked Sin of Pornography!

This sermon is about the wicked sin of Pornography. This is one of the most devastating sins that is destroying the world today. A lot of people do not realize that when they participate in this sin they are advancing prostitution and human trafficking.
The sin of Pornography can destroy your life:
1) Takes you further then you want to go!
2) Messes up your mind!
3) Can cause the loss of your job or marriage!
How to Avoid this wicked sin?
1) Don't be Idle!
2) Avoid gateway temptations that will lead to Pornography! (Magazines, TV, Movies, etc.)
3) Don't give children unlimited access to the internet!
4) Talk to your children about the facts of life!
5) Have a right relationship with your wife or Husband! (The bible says you cannot say no if your wife or husband wants to know you)


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