The Signs of a Cult, Jim Jones Exposed!

Preached Sunday Night Dec 18, 2016 at Faithful Word Baptist Church
This sermon is about how to identify a cult. First off Pastor Anderson exposes the truth about Jim Jones. Then he uses Jim Jones as an example and the bible to identify several signs that we can use as Christians to identify cults and cult leaders.
The Signs of a Cult
1) Attacking or down playing the Bible as the ultimate authority. Elevating mans wisdom above that of Gods.
2) Leadership committing adultery or perversion.
3) Communal living, whole church living together either in same building or same street.
4) Moving the whole church to a remote location or to another state.
5) Not allowing people to leave the church or intimidating people to not leave.
6) Cults believe they are the only true church and no other churches anywhere are right.
7) Not allowing anyone to read the Bible on their own.


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