4 Types of False Converts

In this sermon Pastor Anderson Goes over 4 types of false Christians. People that claim to be Christians but really are not and are there to deceive to fulfill their own lusts.
1) The first type is the way of Cain, Trusting on works rather than on Faith alone in Jesus to be saved.
2) The second is for filthy lucre, teaching what people want to hear in order to gain great wealth.
3) The third is the gain saying of Core, people who want everyone to teach and everyone to vote on decisions for the church instead of following the Ordained by God Pastor.
4) And Lastly the Judas, the Guy that you have no Idea is bad until it is too late. The one that says all the right things and does all the right things to gain the trust of the church in order to either get money, betray or gain access to children.


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